Regardless of your income, the bills never stop coming. So, you need a job badly. In fact, you require a paycheck so much that you’re willing to become “the squeaky wheel” to get an employer’s attention. It’s a classic tactic, and it works too. That’s why learning how to write the best thank you email after interview samples are so important.
How to write the best thank you email after interview samples
The hardest part about crafting attention-getting emails after an interview is figuring out what to say. So, it’s important to integrate these five things into whatever you send:
#1. Express gratitude for their time.
Remember that employers see a lot of different people before they select their top candidate. So, be someone who thanks them for their time and hard work to make a lasting impression.
#2. Reinforce why you’re interested.
Remind the employer of why you’re passionate about the position. This is especially important if you know what sort of vision the employer is looking for or if you have special skills to offer.
#3. Explain again why you’d be a good fit.
Briefly touch on why your skills and passions would be beneficial to the business. Be sure to talk about your availability and also highlight your versatility to help them decide.
#4. Sprinkle in something personal.
Try to remember something you talked about in the interview. It can be a small detail, an inside joke, or something you had in common. Use that to add a personal touch to your messages.
#5. Offer to answer any questions they have.
Employers may be lingering on your application because they have more questions about you and/or your experiences. So, allow them to make inquiries before they agree to hire.
3 thank you email after interview samples for inspiration
If you need a little help getting started, then check out these three thank you email after interview samples for some inspiration:
#1. Straight-Forward
Hello {name},
Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. Our conversation about the ___ position was eye-opening and encouraging. The role sounds rewarding, especially given my experience in ____. I look forward to discussing the opportunity further. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
#2. Detailed and Personal
Hello {name},
Thank you for making time to interview me (day). I enjoyed our conversation about the ___ position. The way your units work in unison is encouraging and ideal for reaching milestones and optimizing productivity. It sounds like a rewarding privilege to be a part of your team. Thus I believe my (qualifications) make me an excellent candidate. I’m enthusiastic about discussing this opportunity further. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with more questions or to schedule a follow-up interview.
#3. Formal
Dear {name} or To whom it may concern:
I appreciate you taking the time to discuss the ___ position with me (day). I was inspired by our exchange and hoped to learn more by joining your venerated team. The details you shared convinced me that the role would be a perfect match for my unique qualifications. I believe my (specific qualification) would allow me to become a valuable asset to the department. Your consideration of me for this position is an honor. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions or wish to schedule a follow-up interview.
In conclusion
Play with the details and wording to craft a few thank you email after interview samples of your own. Then, choose the best one to send using the subject line: “Thank you for the interview.”