Getting a job is just the first step in your career. After you’ve been employed at a company for a decent amount of time, you may also feel you’re entitled to a raise. That means you’ll have to negotiate for one.
The following tips will help you do so. If you’re planning on asking for a raise in the near future, be sure to keep them in mind when doing so:
How to Successfully Negotiate a Raise
Prepare Ahead of Time
Telling your supervisor you deserve a raise isn’t the same as actually proving it. You need to keep in mind that your supervisor may be responsible for overseeing many employees. Although they might understand that you deserve a raise in a general way, it’s also possible they have too many other tasks and obligations on their mind to consider the specific ways you’ve contributed to the organization when you ask for a raise.
That’s why you need to prepare for the negotiation by creating a documented list of the major ways you’ve helped the company. You can’t simply tell someone you deserve a raise. You need to demonstrate your worthiness clearly.
Time it Right
Consider your timing before asking for a raise. For instance, maybe you recently completed a major project that impressed the client and solidified the company’s relationship with them. That might be a smart time to ask for a raise.
On the other hand, maybe you haven’t accomplished anything particularly significant recently. Maybe your duties haven’t changed very much. Perhaps you recently got a raise already. In these circumstances, you might struggle to convince an employer you deserve one.
Do Your Research
The raise you ask for still needs to be reasonable. You don’t want to ask for a salary that’s not consistent with other people filling similar roles in your industry.
Thus, it’s a good idea to research what someone in your position should expect to earn ahead of time. This ensures you’ll know how to ask for a raise that falls within a reasonable range.
Don’t Just Think About Money
Keep in mind that negotiating a raise doesn’t always necessarily need to involve asking for a higher salary. In some cases, you might actually prefer to request additional perks or benefits. For instance, instead of earning more money, perhaps you’d like to have the option to work from home instead. Making these requests instead of asking for a higher salary could boost your odds of convincing a supervisor to grant your wishes.
Be Diplomatic
Many employers often grant raises because they want to make sure they retain talented employees. However, it’s still not a good idea to ask for a raise by saying you’ll pursue employment elsewhere if you don’t get what you want. You’ll make a better impression if you talk about the subject with your supervisor in a diplomatic and conversational manner.
Just make sure you know you’re worth. Your asking for a raise because you genuinely believe you deserve it. These tips will help you get one.