If you’re looking to hire new sales associates, you’ve probably got a lengthy interview process ahead of you. Understanding the best sales associate interview questions can help you determine if a candidate is right for you.
So, what’s important when determining the questions to ask in an interview? Getting to know the candidate’s experience, how their mind works, how they deal with difficult situations, and of course, their people skills.
The Right Sales Associate Interview Questions To Ask
When it comes to interview questions, there is no right or wrong approach. But the ones below will give you a sense of your candidate and how they’ll perform.
What merchandise are you most comfortable selling?
Sure, you’re planning to put your sales associate through training, but if they’re already comfortable with the merchandise, that’s a plus. Asking this question will help you understand their previous experience, so you know where and what you need to train them on.
You’ll want to pay attention to their sales experience, how they learn and apply sales techniques, and how they deal with customers in your industry. If someone struggles to answer this question, they may not have the confidence to be a sales associate or the experience to do what is needed.
Do you have any experience asking customers to sign-up for loyalty programs or store cards?
Tons of retail establishments have their own customer loyalty programs. Maybe yours does, too.
If it does, you’ll want to know if your sales associate is comfortable getting people to sign-up for it. Whether it’s a credit card or a rewards program, timid sales associates who don’t like to ask won’t do well in this environment.
Get to the heart of it. Ask if and when they’ve done it in the past, how they approach upselling, and the techniques they use to ask without annoying the customer.
This question is an excellent opportunity for an interviewee to explain their previous experience and showcase their confidence. That’s what makes it one of the best ones to ask.
How do you deal with a demanding customer or issue?
There are many occasions where customers will get upset. How will your interviewee react when that happens? Knowing the answer to this provides insight into their customer service skills, how they follow the rules and regulations, and whether they can remain cool under pressure.
You don’t want an employee that continually runs to the manager for answers or someone that scares customers away.
What is your approach to customer service?
Each business has its own set of principles when it comes to customer service. The answer to this question will help you know if the candidate’s principles align with those of your business. It might seem like a simple question, but it provides exceptional insight into how someone approaches their everyday job.
Sales associate interview questions should be straight forward and help you understand how a candidate will fit into your culture. More than that, it will help you find the perfect fit for your unique role.