Like anyone else, freelancers need to know how much time they’re spending on each project. That’s why freelance time tracking and apps that can help them stay organized are so important.
But when it comes to applications for freelancers, there’s something new that debuts every day. Understanding your options is incredibly important, especially if you want to know whether you’re spending too much or too little time on a certain project.
When it comes to the right application, it all comes down to what makes sense for you and your workflow. So, here’s what you need to know about some of the top the freelance time tracking apps.
Freelance Time Tracking & Your Productivity
Not all applications are created equally. Some are designed around managers who want to know what their employees are spending time on, while others are for freelancers who want to track their time and stay organized with their projects.
Researching what’s out there, and staying on top of new developments and additions, can ensure you get the tools you need most.
Here’s the thing; time tracking doesn’t necessarily come free or easy. When it comes to most applications, you’re going to have to spend some money to stay on top of things.
Harvest is one of the more affordable options when it comes to freelancers. At only $12 a month, you can track time for different projects and tasks. In fact, you can even change the rate for each project, so you know how much you’re making (or spending) for each project.
It also offers the option to integrate with other applications that you might be using. For freelancers that might be using apps like Basecamp, this can be a huge plus.
If what you’re looking for is the chance to sync your project times with your calendar, you might want to consider Calendar. At only $10 a month, this app helps you keep track of your time, meetings, and schedule all in one place.
Not only do you get insight into how you’re spending your time and get an overall view of your day, but you also get to look at it all in one place. That being your calendar, of course.
It’s one of the best apps you can choose when it comes to integration with scheduling tools you’re already using.
Tick comes with a free option, which can be really helpful for freelancers who don’t have a lot of money to spend. Pricing depends on the number of projects you have going.
It’s also easy to integrate with other applications, and it’s simple to use. Basically, it just keeps track of your time tracking. If you’re the type of freelancer that only takes on a few projects at a time, it can be helpful, as you pay per project. However, it doesn’t make a lot of sense for someone with tons of projects going on at one time.
Keeping track of how much time you spend on specific projects is vital to tracking your costs, especially when you’re not clear on how you tend to work. Any of these apps can be particularly helpful when it comes to managing your work-from-home life.